Friday, January 10, 2014

The List Part 1

At the beginning of 2013, I decided to make a list of things I wanted to do before I turned 40 in December. Some of the items were going to be huge and hard to check off, but isn't that the point of one of these lists? So without further ado, here is the list.

The B4 4D List!
1. Go to Africa (yes, right off the bat here is one of the hard ones but this has been on all lists for a long time, so why not this one.)
2. New Eye Glasses
3. Take an Art Class
4. See Mt. Rushmore
5. Visit the Canton, TX Flea Market
6. Visit a Renaissance Fair
7. Go Camping
8. Shoot a Gun
9. Enter a 5K
10. Skydive
11. Write 5 letters & mail them the old fashioned way
12. Take a Cooking Class
13. Go Horseback Riding
14. Take A Cruise
15. Watch a movie for each letter of the alphabet. (haven’t seen before) 
16. Write a Memoir 
17. Drive not just any Sports Car, but a CORVETTE
18. Hot Air Balloon Ride
19. Take a picture with the Hollywood Sign
20. Weigh less that I did at my HS graduation
21. Go see someone in concert 
22. Take up Crochet
23. Visit Pops
24. Visit the Round Barn on Route 66 
25. Change Hairstyle 
26. Finish Writing A Book
27. Eat at a Great Restaurant
28. Visit the Redwood National Park
29. Buy a cake from Carlo’s Bakery in NJ 
30. Go to a Drive In Movie
31. Ride a Zip line
32. Texas State Fair!
33. Drive through the Tallgrass Prairie in OK.
34. Create a Will 
35. Go on A Picnic! 
36. Visit a Planetarium 
37. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet.
38. Celebrate 40! 

Starting at the top, here are the ones I completed.

2. New Eye Glasses - May 2013 I had been wearing the same glasses and the same style for a loooong time and it was past time for a change. So, here I am BEFORE.

AFTER! I am even wearing the same shirt so you can recognize me!

3. Take an Art Class! - September 2013 Ok not really an art class, but Pinot's Palate was really fun!
You start out with a blank canvas.

 Then you're painting and you don't really believe that you are doing this and that it looks like it's supposed to.

 Then in about an hour and a half you have an awesome painting for your wall.

6. Visit a Renaissance Fair - May 2013
The Castle in Muskogee, OK was a fun Renaissance Festival.


Woodland Creatures! 

 Woodland Fairies are abundant. This one pranced over and wanted this pic with me.

 An axe in my hand. No, I couldn't get it to stick in the wood. I also carried that program rolled up because I was fresh out of swords. Ha!

 Joust! This was the opposing team. I think I rooted for the Blue Knight!

9. Enter a 5K - April 2013 & August 2013 (I actually entered two and expect to enter at least one this year.)
The Color Run! 
It was a great April day and I was excited to be participating in this colorful race.

My team! I was the captain and got this group together.

 The Glow Run! In August, yep it was hot but it was dark. Yes, I have almost perfected the "selfie".

 At the start and the finish line with our medals.

11. Write 5 letters & mail them the old fashioned way. December 2013

13. Go Horseback Riding - July 2013
The Sequoyah Stables with in Sequoyah State Park, OK. I went with my brother David. The last time I went riding was about 20 years ago. The trail was not like other trails I have been on. We saw deer and geese and hawks. It was about an hour long. Well worth the money. I would't go again in July but this year was pretty mild so it wasn't 120 degrees.

I was last in line and at one point my horse got startled by something and decided to rare up like the Lone Ranger's horse. Somehow I stayed on but it scared me silly. HiHo NO!

 This was taken right before I dismounted. Notice my legs don't go past this horse's belly. So, as you can imagine one foot of mine was at my chin in the stirrup. They could have been a little more helpful with the dismount, like take me to the platform where we got on the horse.

15. Watch a movie, that I haven't seen before, for every letter of the alphabet. Finished
Here's the list of movies and the date I finished them. (Please don't judge me on some of these.)
A= Argo 5/13/2013

B= Bolt 10/22/2013

C= Cabaret 7/31/2013

D= Dudley Do Right 6/4/2013

E= Ed Wood 10/5/2013

F= The Fantastic Mr. Fox9/22/2013

G= Good Morning, Vietnam9/16/2013

H= Hunger Games 6/13/3013

I= Invictus 4/30/2013

J= John Carter 9/13/2013

K= Kiss Kiss Bang Bang9/4/2013

L= Lincoln 6/4/2013

M= My Left Foot9/9/2013

N= No Country For Old Men 10/31/2013

O= On Golden Pond 3/7/2013

P= Playing For Keeps 5/13/2013

Q= Quartet8/28/2013

R= The Razor's Edge 8/22/2013

S= Silkwood 4/21/2013

T= Tron: Legacy 8/2/2013

U= The Untouchables 7/20/2013

V= Vantage Point 11/29/2013

W= What to Expect When You're Expecting. 6/1/2013

X= XXX State of the Union7/31/2013

Y= Young at Heart (1954) 9/7/2103
Z= WWZ 6/30/2013

16. Write a Memoir
26. Finish My Book
34. Create a Will - I am working on these. So I guess I technically can't check these off but I am further along than I was last year. Here's proof. 

Stay tuned for more of the list. 

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