Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Well, I hope Spring has finally sprung! After a freakish snowstorm two weeks ago, today it's 80 degrees outside.

Yesterday, I got my mowing duds on and went outside. I opened the garage door, drug out the mower and what do you know but after I strained every muscle in my body, pulling on the string, it would not start. So, I drug the mower back in the garage, closed the garage door and changed my clothes. Got in the car and drove to Lowe's where they have a nice selection of brand new mowers. So, one accompanied me home. I got it out of the box and raised the handle, put the gas in and the oil too. I don't think I have ever used a brand new mower. I pulled the string so hard it hit bottom and jerked out of my hand and wrapped around the handle. I thought to myself "in the future, don't pull so hard."

So, my yard got mowed after all.

Hopefully, soon I can remove my interior doors and give them doorknobs and paint. Also, give my house a nice new coat of trim paint and fix some of the siding.

I am thinking of planing a little garden for tomatoes, squash, and peppers. I am really not the farmer type so I don't know if this is a good idea or not. But maybe worth a try.